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About me:

My name is Ariana Ghasemzade Asl. I’m 29 years old from Tehran, Iran.

I graduated TMU with M.A in Dramatic Literature in 2022. Since then, because of my personal interest in technology, I have been studying and making tiny projects in web development, FOSS programs, teaching and content creation.

I am also a composer and a musician. I have composed scores for many theatrical works while I was a student and also several pictures, including the cinematic work “The Sixth Day”.

My personal musical taste ranges from medieval music, baroque, classical, metal and contemporary music. I have already released an album, Devenir with my band Vitruvian in 2022. Below you will find a link to our official website, also hosted here on thanks to ben.

I can usually be found on different platforms under a variation of the alias “Woland”, usually “Wolandark”.

I have also been fairly active on gemini, a simple w3 alternative. My gemini capsul contains my unconventional writings and occasionally rants.
